Express Janitorial Services

Call 440-467-4808

Day Matron Services

For Business's in Cleveland to Akron Area


Your office can be your second home. Why not keep it clean and inviting! Our Day Matrons as well as our Janitors will get the job done with effiiciency, dedication, and honesty. They’ve been trained to follow cross contamination rules, use green cleaning products and clean the Express Janitorial way – knowing up-to-date industry standards.



Day Matrons work daily in your office and are important contributions to your work force. They work tirelessly to ensure your workers stay healthy and experience less sick time and call in sick less often. They’ll also be happier; their environment receives the utmost attention it deserves.


The office is an unhealthy environment – Day Matron service can make a difference. For example, according to the Deb Group, every 60 seconds an employee touches up to 30 objects that can cause the spread of infectious disease -- "desktop surfaces, computer keyboards, mouse and telephone receivers are more contaminated than restroom toilet seats." Also, the average office toilet seat had 49 germs per square inch. Desktops had almost 21,000 germs per square inch, and phones had more than 25,000 germs per square inch. Desks, phones, computer keyboards and your mouse are key germ transfer points because people touch them so often and coughing and sneezing can leave behind “a minefield of viruses” that can live on a surface for up to three days. Moreover, the top six germ-spreaders, according to WebMD, are:

  1. Break room sink-faucet handles
  2. Microwave door handles
  3. Keyboards
  4. Refrigerator door handles
  5. Water fountain buttons
  6. Vending machine buttons

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a service that cleans these to help prevent these unhealthy bacteria- and virus-harbingers from harming your team members? Surely, then, you’ll agree Day Matrons are an important addition to your workforce.

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Day Matrons perform the following 4-6 hours per day/5 days per week:Day Matron Cleaning Services | Express Janitorial

  • Restroom cleaning, restocking and disinfecting
  • Sweeping, mopping and polishing of floors
  • Entrance, reception area and foyer area cleaning
  • Wiping and disinfecting light switches
  • Kitchen and lounge area cleaning including sinks, countertops, microwaves, toasters and refrigerators
  • Surface and high dusting
  • Sanitizing all lavatory fixtures, sinks, partitions and walls
  • Vacuuming all carpet areas within facility
  • Window washing and blind cleaning
  • Cleaning of light fixtures, baseboards, etc.

As you can see, our Day Matrons work hard to make sure your offices are cleaner, safer, healthier and more productive than you’d imagine ever cleaning everything in every room, partition or open office space you have. Imagine that!